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Residence Manager


Meet Wishes......the "official" Residence Manager of Mamadog. She is an X-file breed. That's how we like to describe her since nobody knows what "breed" her parents are.  She was adopted as a puppy. 

Sadly, Wishes have crossed over the colourful rainbow to doggie heaven on the 22nd of May 2015. She is greatly missed by all. You have been the best, Wishes. Rest well my dear baby!

Security Officer


Meet Couga......the "official" Security Officer of Mamadog.  He is an Alsatian-mixed.  Couga was adopted from his foster mom who practically rescued him at the gates of SPCA.  Couga together with his litter siblings were taken to SPCA when they were less then a week old.  They were practically sent straight to be euthanized as they were too young.  His foster mom felt sorry for them, and out of the litter, she choose to take Couga home!  When he was 3 weeks old, we took him home to be part of the family.


His duty as the Security Officer is to look serious and act scary.  Exactly what he is great at! Couga loves to sit infront of the main gate looking serious, while enjoying the activities that is going on the other side.  And naturally, his "Alsatian" features made him look "scary"?!?!?

However he is a loving, loyal, and timid furkid by nature.

Dog Relation Officer


Meet Pierro......the "official" Dog Relation Officer of Mamadog.  He is a Labrador Retriever.  Pierro is from Thailand, and we got him from a relative when he was about 3 weeks old. He is now 10yrs old.  He is wonderful with other furkids which made it very suitable for his role as the Dog Relation Officer at Mamadog.


His duty as the Dog Relation Officer is to interact with the clients and make them happy! If the clients are bored, Pierro is there to entertain them and take the "stress" out of them! Very suitable for him as he have the most loving and playful character of a Lab but a calm and attentive nature.

The Jokers


Meet Fire & Axel......the "official" Grand-furkids of Mamadog. Both are 14 yrs old now. They are both the offspring of Wishes and Cougar.


Fire is a busty, full of life and energy little rascal. She is daddy's girl and has a personality of her father. She is just like him 10 years ago! She will sit looking out of the house for hours to come...quietly sitting there waiting for any slight noise or movement that is out of the ordinary, and she would bounced off her feet in a second and off she goes exploring!



Axel was returned to us after having spend 3 yrs with a family who decided they would like to have a poodle instead of an "x-file". When he first came back to us, he was a confused furkid with low tolerance...when he did not get his way, he would put it out on "Papadog" by giving him a nice little mark or 2 on the arms! However, with lots of LTC...4yrs down the road...Axel is the most loving furkid! He would stay close to you and will always put his head on your lap and after a good pat, he would fall asleep on your lap!


Their duty...act funny and keep everyone happy! That's what "grandfurkids" are suppose to do!joker

Is this really Mamadog?!?!?


Meet Lennie.....the "official" human at Mamadog.  She has a post-graduate degree in Management Information System but scooped up doggie poop and doggie sit furkids for a living.  Her love and interest for these furry kids are so deep that she knows more about them then what she have learned for in her post-graduate degree!



Yes! Meet Adrian.....


The "official" Chef of Mamadog's Bakery.  He is an Interior Designer by profession but decided to marry, there you are....a.k.a Papadog

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